Thursday, May 18, 2006

spring day pome


Innocent as a balloon,
you, tulip, mottle
the plain places. Snake-backed leaves
or fawn-spotted
like a green animal from the mind of the
woods, furling its
wings back; it will presently slip
away. The green
bud seals color like the eyes of the dead.
But the blood glows
through, as if you held your heart
to the light. The lips
part, the flower rolled by hand
opens: a gold-flecked pear
pulses red. Inside, the pinions engraved
on the petals wear
the quill and shaft of desire. Speak in a
tapestried tongue.
O creature: speak in fire.

~Nancy Willard

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

staying home

Shame on you Shakyamuni for setting
the precedent
of leaving home.
Did you think it was not there--
in your wife's lovely face
in your baby's laughter?
Did you think you had to go elsewhere
to find it?

- Judyth Collin
"The Layman's Lament"
From What Book, 1998, p. 52
Edited by Gary Gach

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

four day week

a concept we drool over.... maybe when we get back to freelancing (and living) this can come to pass:

Challenge the system
What this article is really about is encouraging you to challenge what society tells you to do. Is it written in stone somewhere that “Thou Shalt Work a 40 Hour Week”?

A lot of the constraints and barriers we place on ourselves are completely unnecessary and even worse, keep us from being happy. My hope is that taking the Four-Day Challenge will help you enjoy life more and pursue what really matters to you.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

eat we

Monday, May 01, 2006

furry's pair o' ducks

"After Hiroshima, some suggested that any aliens bright enough to make colonizing space ships would be bright enough to make thermonuclear bombs, and would use them on each other sooner or later."

is that why we must be so all alone... ?