Sunday, July 31, 2005

the steamroller blues

alright, it's sunday now. we won't apologize for yesterday's post. it was necessary, at the time. today we are feeling more of the same -- that is, more of the same feeling of going round and round, endlessly looping with no goal in sight. seems we've got the "why are we here" blues, yet again. if only we could play guitar just a little bit better, this could be a top 40 hit.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

it's saturday at 9:25 pm

it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm it's saturday at 9:25 pm

Thursday, July 28, 2005

the witches' new familiar: Loki

small he may currently be, but just wait and see the strange and wonderful powers he will surely manifest.

he has already perfected the art of climbing screen doors all the way to the top.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

all yoga, all the time

sometimes it feels like that, and we know we shouldn't complain. it's not really true, first of all. and second, yoga is what has kept us alive so far. so bring it on. more yoga, more of the time.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

our bad organ

we have a rotten gall bladder, the doctors just can't prove it yet. had to beg for more codeine yesterday, but bless her heart, our GP complied. we will see what the surgeon says tomorrow. we're ready to boil a steak knife and get down to it our very own selves.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

to the stars

is that what we are yearning for? to leave terra firma and fly to the heavens. leave the earth, meaning, of course, to leave this body.

last night we were trying to watch the stars, here over the city, but there is an industrial-strength light -- so brightly white it is nearly blue -- that illuminates the whole lot. we may have to find a way to kill it one day.

Saturday, July 23, 2005

a quiet morning -- so far

not so much noise in our head this morning. waiting for the chatter to begin. it's even quiet outside, though we know that won't last. we're not being negative, just realistic. happy saturday.

Friday, July 22, 2005

glowing in the light

today we received an injection of radiation, second one to our memory. not unpleasant, but no picnic. we are a, on the whole, a little bleary now. some are sleeping, a few others are waiting anxiously for their lunch (we had to fast from midnight on). being in a body is not always the best place to be.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

dirty dream

we had a dream last night.
it was a sexy one, or at least, sexual
he brings out our basest lust.
which is odd because we've never had sex with him.
at least, we've never successfully had sex with him.
dreaming is better anyway, in our opinion.
daydreaming also counts.
maybe blogging about it does too.

one of us

first post: why we are here

this may be the only place where all of us can be together at once, as one, without the usual filtering. so here we are. hello! don't mind if we sit down, on the floor, natch.